Rules of Negotiation Every Car Salesperson Should Obey
February 16, 2021 | Nicole Clary

Have you heard of the Golden Rules of Negotiation for car sales?  The following is adapted from Frictionless. Throughout my career as a car salesperson and sales coach, I’d often…

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5 Bad Negotiation Habits That Are Hurting Your Car Sales Career
February 16, 2021 | Nicole Clary

The following is adapted from Frictionless. Throughout my career as a car salesperson and sales coach, I’d often tell my students, “The number one rule of negotiation is…” By the…

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8 Easy-to-Follow Tips for a Successful Car Sales Negotiation
March 2, 2020 | Nicole Clary

A successful car sales negotiation has only one outcome: you and your customer both walk away happy. Anything less, and you’ve failed as a sales professional because either you lost…

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Every Customer Is Different—and That’s Why Car Salespeople Need to Treat Them All the Same
March 2, 2020 | Nicole Clary

The following is adapted from Frictionless. Every person who walks onto the lot is different, and that’s exactly why car salespeople have to treat them all the same. We can’t…

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How To Set & Crush Your Goals For 2020
January 7, 2020 | Nicole Clary

Strategic Planning & Career Goals For The New Year “Without a plan, you’re going nowhere.” It’s the new year and that means New Year’s resolutions. But you know what I…

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Maximize Your Potential & Accelerate Your Results
September 26, 2019 | Nicole Clary

Reach Your Full Potential In The Automotive Industry Are your choices ruining your potential? How can two football players with virtually the same physical abilities and potential get completely different results?…

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You never get a second chance at a first impression
July 29, 2019 | Nicole Clary

First Impressions You never get a second chance to make a great first impression. A biker, a college kid, and a hipster walk into a dealership… It sounds like the…

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How To Master the Art of Negotiation
July 1, 2019 | Nicole Clary

Now more than ever, customers are armed with information and have become formidable negotiators. As a result, profitability is now more difficult and it’s more critical than ever to be…

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Goal Setting
January 3, 2019 | Nicole Clary

The importance of goal setting is crucial, yet too many of us tend to play the game called Someday. Someday, I’ll set my goals. Someday, I’ll write my plans. Someday…

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Leading the Sales Process
June 20, 2018 | Nicole Clary

Maintaining control throughout the sales process is crucial, but it’s not always easy. Sometimes, a customer will walk on your lot and start bombarding you with questions. Instinctually you’ll want to answer…

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