

KintzNOW On-Demand Sales & Management Training

Your Questions Answered By Our KintzNOW Personal Coaches

KintzNOW is the latest sales and management training platform in the market today. From new hire training to advanced negotiating, from lead generation and follow up to gaining a life long customer and more, KintzNOW is the source.

But what else makes KintzNOW is unique from the rest? Our KintzNOW coaches have the answers below.


1. Tell us a bit about yourself & how you ended up at Kintz Group

Nicole: Tim and I worked together at a previous automotive training company 12 years ago. Tim left and started KintzGroup while I stayed at the previous company. Fast forward a year and I see a KintzGroup video come across my Facebook feed. I watched it and was like a little kid in a candy shop! I was so impressed with the quality and how up to date his content was that I knew I had to work for him.

Nancy: I was working for another automotive training company for 7 years.  I felt the training and my job there were becoming stagnant so I reached out to Tim’s company as I knew it was great, up to date training.  I made the move here in June 2019 and am happy to be part of the Kintz Group and a resident of the great state of Texas!

2. What do you do at Kintz?

Nicole: I work with managers to implement our online KintzNOW training. Everything from uploading users, creating reports, customized training schedules for managers and salespeople (new hires included), coaching for management on conducting effective training, working with salespeople- coaching/role-playing.

Basically, their right-hand gal through the entire thing, making sure dealerships grow- we have the content, now it’s about execution!

Nancy: I work hand in hand with both managers and salespeople to make sure their experience with KintzNow is pleasant and easy.  I manage accounts from the beginning, including launch calls with managers and salespeople, creating monthly training calendars, setting up weekly report for managers etc.

I also get salespeople started on training and check in with them from time to time to see how they’re doing.  My main job is keeping in constant contact with both managers and salespeople and helping them with whatever they need, from resetting a password to adding a new user to sending a specific report.

3. What’s your favorite part of your job?

Nicole: Helping people and hearing success stories. Our training changes lives (literally).

Nancy: My favorite part of my job is talking to different people every day, and getting to hear the triumphs/successes of the people who use our training.  I also love problem-solving when the need arises.

4. How long have you been working in the automotive industry?

Nicole: 12 years.

Nancy: 8 years.

KintzNOW Training:

5. What makes KintzNOW stand out from the rest?

Nicole: Tim spends the majority of his time doing on-site training and his online KintzNOW training reflects that. He knows that the times of changed and buying a car isn’t the same as it was even 5 years ago. So we must change how we handle them, right?

Nancy: KintzNow stands out from the rest because it is up to date and relevant.  Tim has a dynamic personality and captures his audience.  He is very relatable and his training is never boring.  He is out in the field in the dealerships so knows what is happening today and that is obvious in his training.

6. What’s your favorite course from KintzNOW?

Nicole: That’s too hard to answer, lol. My favourite chapter is anything with the 4 C’s in it.

Nancy: My favorite course(s) in KintzNow are the Fast Start course because it includes all the steps of the sales process and is a great overview of Tim’s entire process.

Also, the newly released Digital Buyer course because it is new and relevant to how people work these days. There is so much work and so many deals being done via digital communication and I love that Tim’s course gives people tips for how to successfully communicate digitally.

7. What do you wish more people knew about KintzNOW?

Nicole: That we don’t just turn on the training and walk away. We are here to help you every step of the way. Like your personal training assistant all the way from TX.

Nancy: I wish people could just see a few chapters/courses and see how much sense it makes and what a great trainer Tim is. I wish more people knew how much more successful they could be in the car business by doing a few minutes of training every day on KintzNow.

8. What’s your favorite Kintz product & why?

Nicole: The Sales Playbook! The playbook’s tracking is underestimated and crucial for success. And the volleyballs – those are key to thinking on your feet.

Nancy: My favorite Kintz product is the volleyballs because they are fun and really help people learn a number of different topics. I also like the fact that they will help you train in an interactive way. It makes people think quickly and on their toes. The volleyballs make the manager’s job easier by having a fun, motivational way to train that keeps salespeople interested.

9. What’s common feedback you get from KintzNOW customers?

Nicole: “My guys actually like to watch training for once”. “Training has become something we all look forward to, rather than dread”.

Nancy: “Love the training”, “I’m getting so much good information”, “It’s helping me learn a sales process before I go out on the floor and talk to customers.”

10. Tell us a Kintz success story?

Nicole: I had a Sales Manager practically beg his GM to sign up for KintzNOW. His GM agreed but was reluctant. As soon as we started the implementation process, I saw the GM open up more and more. He started holding the meetings and focusing on our Negotiation course.

Within DAYS their gross increased, so he then purchased our Heavy Hitter bats. 3 months after that, their gross TRIPLED. Needless to say, that GM is now a believer.

Nancy: I love this one: “I came from a background of retail management and inside sales to car sales about six months ago. I quite literally did not know the difference between a 4×2 and 4×4. My dealership did a three week intensive training period with KintzNow as the core of the curriculum. When I went to sell my first car, I felt I was prepared when I walked up to shake the guest’s hand and introduce them to myself and to the dealership.

Although I am definitely still learning, KintzNow has helped me achieve a level of success quickly that I likely would not have reached without it. It’s my sixth-month selling and I’m about to accomplish my second double-digit sales month. I still watch Kintz’ videos on a weekly basis and plan on continuing to do so. Thanks, Kintz for the help in jump-starting my career in car sales!”

11. In your opinion, how can someone become successful in the automotive industry?

Nicole: They should start with knowledge. Learn the buyers and sales quadrants, sales process, etc then practice, practice, practice. Know the value in training and growing. Don’t get stagnant and reach for the stars!

Nancy: Success in the auto industry depends on you.  The great thing about the auto industry is that it is what you make it.  If you train and work hard, you will become successful.  Keep a positive attitude, stay enthusiastic, train, work hard, and you will be a star!

12. Have you visited any of the Kintz workshops? If so, what are your thoughts?

Nicole: High energy, knowledgeable and fun! Tim doesn’t talk TO attendees, he talks WITH them, so it’s very interactive. No two Workshops are them same. These workshops are always evolving with the times. I would go to all the workshops if I could, so I can pick up new tips and tactics every time.

Nancy: Yes, I was fortunate enough to attend one of Tim’s Management workshops.  He is an amazing speaker and keeps everyone in the room excited about what they’re learning.

The main thing I noticed is that Tim talks with his participants, not at them. He is happy to take questions and work with participants about things that are happening at their dealerships. I have been to other sales and management workshops and Tim’s is definitely the best workshop I have ever attended!

Thank you Nancy & Nicole for all your hard work! And remember, you can close more car deals, retain happier customers and grow the store with KintzNOW. Not a KintzNOW user? Call us 888-512-2299 for your free demo today!


P.S. Ever get the feeling that you could be more productive during your day? Get the Kintz Sales Playbook and get organized. Make more money. Have more fun.



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