
Train The Trainer With Kintz Group

High-Energy Sales Management Workshop

Training isn’t something we did, it’s something we do. Relentlessly. It’s the only way to continuously improve.

Didn’t get a chance to attend our annual Train The Trainer event? Here’s an example of what we went over to help you and your dealership.

What is Train The Trainer about?

Train the trainer sales training presentation

Our Train the Trainer workshops are meant for sales managers and trainers who want to create a culture of training within their dealership. Attendees are pushed past their comfort zones by practicing how to plan and execute a series of training meetings in front of their peers.

A sample of our curriculum:
  • Evaluate training programs.
  • Conduct successful training meetings.
  • Create and implement an effective training program.
  • Avoid the common training mistakes.
  • And more.

For more information, click here.


Training & One-On-One’s

What training are you giving your salespeople so they have the knowledge and tools they need to succeed? Are you practicing as a team so that their skills become instinct? 

Topgolf Kintz Train the Trainer Workshop
Though we train insane, we also play hard.

We have to remember: we aren’t in the car business – we are in the people business. 



Let your team know that you care more about your team becoming better than they do. How do we accomplish this? By doing one-on-ones every single day.

Look, I know some of you are already thinking, “I don’t have time to do that” & I get it. But I have a question for you: if you don’t find the time to do it right then when are you going to make the time to do it over?

It’s never going to happen.

Too often we put off our one-on-ones with our people and that needs to change if you want to see improvement at your dealership. You need to make your one-on-ones your priority! You don’t need to spend 30 mins with each person every day – it can be 5 minutes. The point is to make it a habit.

Remember, repetition breeds habit.

Before you meet with your team, think about what you are trying to accomplish with each one of your players. What are your goals for the 8 car guy or the 22 car guy? And remember, don’t skip the player who sells 25+ cars.

Make it a goal every day to meet with each one of your players. I know you have important things to do but there is nothing more important than spending time with your people.

Now go make it happen!

Tim Kintz Signature
Tim Kintz Contact Info

P.S. Like what you see? Check out our 2 minute article here or sign up for my online classes at KintzNOW.com

Kintz Sales Playbook Inside Look


Ever get the feeling that you could be more productive during your day? Get the Kintz Sales Playbookand get organized. Make more money. Have more fun.



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